
3625 Articles by:

Ko Leik Pya

Ko Leik Pya works as a teacher and writer in the UK and Myanmar. He writes here under a pseudonym.

We Still Need to Kill the Bill

The Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill is due to finish its current stage today, returning to Parliament in early July. We can and must kill it – but we should also be asking how our ‘democratic’ system produced it in the first place.

Abolish Landlords

A century ago, socialists demanded that housing should serve public need rather than private profit – that aspiration remains as relevant today, but it can only be realised under one condition: abolishing landlords.

Eastern Bloc Rock

40 years ago, Chris Bohn wrote a report on the Czechoslovak music underground for the NME – his article broke the widespread convention that rock could only be made in England or America.

Nature for Everyone

Labour’s new Shadow Minister for Nature, Water, and Flooding brief is an opportunity to push radical policies – from the Green New Deal to land reform to rewilding – that both protect the natural world and make it accessible for all.

Subsidising the Oil Spill Economy

While claiming to care about climate change, the British government has spent decades intervening to protect oil giant BP’s private profits – as well as giving it hundreds of millions in public subsidies.

The Real Ethel Rosenberg

A new book on Ethel Rosenberg, a Communist put to death at the height of the Cold War, exposes McCarthyism – and tells the real story of the only American woman executed without being convicted of murder.

Football: The Political Game

From the fight against racism to the one against child poverty, football has never been ‘apolitical’ – and taking the knee is just the latest sign that the game plays a role in deciding what kind of society we live in.

Justice for Orgreave

On this day in 1984, a paramilitary police operation attacked striking miners at the Orgreave coking plant. It was a crime against the working class – and 37 years later, those injured have yet to see justice.

Erdoğan’s Latest War on Kurdistan

In recent weeks, the Turkish state has launched an assault on Kurdish villages and refugee camps along the Iraqi border – stepping up its efforts to wipe out democracy and self-determination in Kurdistan.