
16 Articles by:

Chris Thomas

Chris Thomas is a research fellow at the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR).

How to Make Social Care Better

The aim of government social care policy can’t just be to restore the pre-pandemic status-quo – it should be to turn social care into a service capable of transforming the lives of those who use it.

Inequality Is Bad for Your Health

As Britain emerges from lockdown, the government is projecting an image of optimism – but inequality was at crisis levels long before Covid-10 and poverty can be as bad for public health as any pandemic.

A Country Fit for Carers

After the First World War, David Lloyd George promised ‘a fit country for heroes.’ The carers at the frontline of Covid-19 deserve the same commitment – because when Britain looks after our health system, we all benefit.

Years in the Making

The NHS crisis didn’t begin with Covid-19 — years of outsourcing, competitiveness reforms, and obsessions over ‘efficiency’ have decimated the public health service.