
3 Articles by:

Paul Buhle

Paul Buhle published one of the first Underground Comix, in 1969, as an issue of his magazine Radical America. He returned to edit comics in 2005, and A Ballad for Americans: The Saga of Paul Robeson, as drawn by Sharon Rudahl, is his latest.

The Real Ethel Rosenberg

A new book on Ethel Rosenberg, a Communist put to death at the height of the Cold War, exposes McCarthyism – and tells the real story of the only American woman executed without being convicted of murder.

Unconventional Comics

Long dismissed as child’s play, comics have carved out space for themselves as a form through which to examine the political – touching on everything from urban history to the fight against fascism.

Remembering E. P. Thompson

E. P. Thompson, author of ‘The Making of the English Working Class,’ was born on this day in 1924. His work reclaimed history for the masses – and displayed a resilient hope in their capacity to remake the world.