
3625 Articles by:

Ko Leik Pya

Ko Leik Pya works as a teacher and writer in the UK and Myanmar. He writes here under a pseudonym.

Photographing Thatcher’s Britain

In the 1980s, documentary photographer Paul Graham used his camera to capture the bleakness of Social Security and Unemployment Offices, painting a stark image of life under neoliberalism.

The Property Cult

The right-wing proclaims itself a champion of freedom, but an interrogation of its history reveals an altogether different priority – the centuries-long defence of property and the propertied.

Why Local News Is Worth Saving

Britain’s local newspapers could be a major player in democracy, telling community stories that are shut out of the mainstream – but with 245 titles lost in the last 15 years, their power is growing weaker by the day.

Art School Confidential

New research on Vkhutemas, the Moscow school of design dubbed the ‘Soviet Bauhaus’, reveals the sheer scale of revolutionary ambitions – but also a mismatch between mundane tasks and extravagant dreams.

The New Green-Red Zagreb

In May’s local elections, Croatia’s green-left platform won the capital’s assembly and its mayoralty. The new government has big plans for a clean, democratic city – but the challenges of building it under assault from the right remain.

Springhill: The Forgotten Massacre

In July 1972, British snipers in West Belfast shot five people dead in a spree that was quickly covered up by the British government – half a century later, their families have yet to see truth or justice.

A Shared World

The German-French duo Stereo Total, whose member Françoise Cactus died in February, made charming, cheap, and democratic music out of the wreckage of post-Wall Berlin.

The Social Architecture of Julian Sofaer

The late Iraqi-Jewish architect Julian Sofaer, who died in 2017, designed a variety of public buildings across London through a humanist lens – which have left an indelible and modern mark on the city’s landscape.

The Radical Legacy of Bernie Grant

On this day in 1987, Bernie Grant was elected as one of Britain’s first black MPs. He spent his career dedicated to the trade unionism and racial justice – and changed the political landscape of the country for good.