
225 Articles by:

Grace Blakeley

Grace Blakeley is a staff writer at Tribune and the host of our weekly podcast A World to Win.

The Growth Delusion

In today’s Budget, Jeremy Hunt talked about ‘growth’ but delivered policies that will lock Britain into years of low pay and crumbling public services.

Keir Starmer’s Sticking Plaster Politics

Amid the worst squeeze on living standards in decades, Keir Starmer’s Labour has a historic opportunity to transform this country – but yesterday’s speech shows he’s more concerned with staying in the establishment’s good books.

Cold Homes Kill

Millions of households are living in fuel poverty, and it’s only set to grow worse as government support is scaled back. Last week’s cold snap makes it clear: we need to bring the bills down, and for good.

The Lies That Keep Pay Low

The Tories claim real-terms pay rises are ‘unaffordable’, but it’s not the economy they’re worried about – it’s workers winning and inspiring others to follow their example.

We Can’t Afford More Austerity

David Cameron’s Tories justified austerity by saying we were ‘all in it together’. Now millions are going hungry and public services are on their knees while the rich enjoy the spoils – we can’t afford to let them lie again.

96. Prison Struggle in Palestine w/ Milena Ansari

Grace speaks to Milena Ansari, international advocacy officer at Addameer, the Palestinian prisoner support and human rights organization. They discuss the horrendous practice of administrative detention and the role of the Israeli justice system in upholding the occupation and the oppression of Palestinians.

The Trickle-Down Lie

Liz Truss’s government is rehashing the idea that funnelling money to the rich produces more wealth for everyone else. There’s just one problem: it doesn’t work.

96. Mussolini’s Shadow w/ David Broder

This week Grace speaks to historian David Broder about Italian fascism in the wake of recent elections in which the far-right party led by Giorgia Meloni, the Brothers of Italy, came to power. They discuss the longer-term background of the rise of fascism, which David will be covering in his forthcoming book, Mussolini’s Grandchildren.