
80 Articles by:

Owen Hatherley

Owen Hatherley is the culture editor of Tribune and is the author of Artificial Islands.

The Head Boy In the Bubble

Rishi Sunak might have grown up in an industrial city, but he spent most of his life in a bubble – made clear not only by the fact he never made any working-class friends, but that he seems to understand nothing about strikes.

The Landscape of Treason

The Cold War ‘Red Scare’ went alongside a ‘Lavender Scare’, which saw the police ramp up their surveillance and blackmail of gay men. A new film inspired by the Cambridge Spies explores the relationship between the two.

A Revolution of Things

In the 1990s, artist Vladimir Arkhipov started to collect home-made objects in homes, markets, and junk shops. Today, his archive is both a document of poverty and a vision of liberated labour.

Doreen Massey’s Radical 1980s

A new collection of writings by geographer Doreen Massey features intense dispatches from the political battlegrounds of the 1980s, which remind us that even in eras of defeat, there are vital moments of hope.

Red Library: Science Fiction

There has always been an affinity between socialism and science fiction, a genre that makes clear it is still possible to imagine new societies — however much our miserable politics might claim otherwise.

Against the Edgelords

Today’s far-right has been shaped by an online landscape of edgy content. But the solution isn’t to lament the internet – it’s to find a way to build antifascism in its image.

The Battle for the Barbican

London’s Barbican and the adjacent Golden Lane estate are symbols of the two souls of post-war social democracy, and how it built for both the intelligentsia and the working class.

Busáras: Dublin’s Modernist Icon

Despite many decades of neglect, Busáras remains one of Dublin’s iconic modernist buildings – and its original design as an ambitious civic centre can offer inspiration to those trying to reclaim the city today.