
3625 Articles by:

Ko Leik Pya

Ko Leik Pya works as a teacher and writer in the UK and Myanmar. He writes here under a pseudonym.

‘Your Move, Creep!’

Paul Verhoeven’s latest film Benedetta, about a nun who enters into a lesbian relationship in her convent while experiencing erotic visions of Jesus, may be disappointing – but at their best Verhoeven’s films do more than just shock.

Brilliant Futures

Thuận’s novel Chinatown moves from Hanoi to Leningrad to Paris, as its Vietnamese migrant narrator charts how the ‘future’ shifted in the 1990s from the East to West.

Shoot it Yourself!

The first publication by the left-wing London archive MayDay Rooms showcases examples from the 1930s and 1970s of conscious workers using photography as a tool for solidarity and political understanding.

Soap and the City

Edwina Attlee’s book ‘Strayed Homes’ praises the in-between spaces of everyday life – the intimate public spaces that can be homes from home.

Art Workers, Unite!

Kuba Szreder’s ‘ABC’ for workers in the arts advocates ways of out of a system designed to benefit not those who make artworks, but a handful of investors and gallerists.

Vietnam’s Horror Captured

This June marked the fiftieth anniversary of the famous photograph of Phan Thị Kim Phúc taken during the Vietnam War – a reminder of the horrors of war, and of all those whose stories will never be told.

The Influencer Hustle

A new book explores the rise of online ‘influencers’, the seductiveness of their get-rich-quick schemes, and their role in shaping activist culture.

In Memory of Mike

Mike Carden, one of the leaders of the 1995 Liverpool Dock Strike and father to MP Dan Carden, passed away late last year. Here, his son John Carden remembers his life in socialism.

Five Years Since the Grenfell Fire

In June 2017, a catastrophic fire in Grenfell Tower killed seventy-two people and should have changed housing standards for good. Instead, the establishment has failed victims — and resisted all efforts at change.

Democracy in Decline

The departure of Boris Johnson as prime minister has been widely celebrated in Labour circles, but the rot at the heart of our political system goes far deeper.

How Liberals Learned to Love NATO

In the wake of the war in Ukraine, NATO has been presented as a defensive alliance for democracy — but its actual history has been the promotion of Western imperial interests, often at the point of a gun.