
14 Articles by:

Karl Hansen

Karl Hansen is an assistant editor at Tribune.

10 Reasons to Oppose the Anti-Strike Laws

The Tories’ latest attack on workers’ rights would see nurses and firefighters sacked, trade unions bankrupted and long-held democratic rights undermined. Here are 10 reasons why you should oppose the anti-strike laws.

The Tories’ Latest War on Workers

The government’s proposed anti-union laws are a historic attack on the right to strike. The aims are simple: to weaken workers and keep wages low in a cost-of-living crisis. It’s time for a mass movement to fight back.

When Britain Said ‘Enough is Enough’

On October 1, 57 simultaneous protests took place across the country — from Dundee to Weymouth — against the cost-of-living crisis. Participants were united in their demands for a fundamentally different economic system.

Rail Workers Are On Our Side

For far too long, railway workers and passengers alike have been shafted by a government hellbent on destroying our railways for the pursuit of profit. Railway workers are fighting back – for all of us.

A Queen’s Speech for the Elite

Millions of people in Britain can’t afford to eat. That the government plans to spend this year undermining democracy and fighting culture wars instead of fixing that problem makes it clear whose side it’s on.

The Tory War on Public Transport

Record fuel prices have left millions struggling to pay for travel. Public transport can be the alternative – but only if years of Tory privatisation and underfunding are reversed.