
5 Articles by:

Frances Hatherley

Dr Frances Hatherley is a writer, researcher and curator. Her writing engages with working-class women’s subjectivities, creativities, art works, and notions of a classed aesthetics.

Sputnik and Shed

Two photobooks documenting what could be called ‘socialist playgrounds’ reveal the differences between adults designing for children, and children designing for themselves.

Shoot it Yourself!

The first publication by the left-wing London archive MayDay Rooms showcases examples from the 1930s and 1970s of conscious workers using photography as a tool for solidarity and political understanding.

Living to Tell

Paris Lees’ novel, inspired by her upbringing in the East Midlands, is a traumatic and funny story of class mobility, and of the places where the oppressions of class and gender collide.