
3625 Articles by:

Ko Leik Pya

Ko Leik Pya works as a teacher and writer in the UK and Myanmar. He writes here under a pseudonym.

The Holidays Shouldn’t Mean Hunger

For children across the country, six weeks off school means six weeks of not having enough to eat – and this year, even the food banks are running out of food. It’s time the perpetual crisis of summer hunger was stopped.

The Lessons of Keir Hardie

Scottish trade unionist and Labour Party founder Keir Hardie was born on this day in 1856. Today, as the country faces down new crises, Hardie’s vision of a united labour movement fighting for change is as vital as ever.

Faking Theory

In Susan Finlay’s novel ‘The Jacques Lacan Foundation’, a working-class British trickster blags her way into American academia, exploring the pretensions of authorship and intellectualism.

Remembering the Forgotten War

In the last 70 years the US has embarked on an intentional effort to forget the Korean War and obscure its role in the brutality. But for people on the peninsula, the war never really ended – and neither has the American empire.

The Poet of Palestine

As Gazans endure yet another brutal assault by Israeli occupation forces, the writing of Mahmoud Darwish – who died on this day in 2008 – still signals the power of literature to sustain dignity and encourage resistance.

Ofgem Is a Scam

Despite claiming to be a ‘regulator’, Ofgem’s main job is to protect the profits of private energy companies – even when their prices are driving millions of working-class people towards poverty.

Ban Private Jets

Last week’s report into celebrity jet use made clear just how casually the rich spew carbon into the atmosphere. We should get their private planes out of the skies for good.

Green Capitalism Is a Myth

As the climate crisis deepens, arguments for market solutions are still growing – but the truth is that capitalism is fundamentally incapable of overseeing the radical shift we need.