
48 Articles by:

Marcus Barnett

Marcus Barnett is associate editor at Tribune.

Adolfo Kaminsky’s Life of Struggle

From saving countless Jewish lives in Nazi-occupied Paris to aiding anticolonial struggles from Algeria to South Africa, Adolfo Kaminsky – who died last week – never surrendered his ideals of ‘uninterrupted resistance’ against oppression and racism.

Rail Cleaners’ Fight for £15

Cleaners who kept London trains safe during the pandemic are paid so poorly that some are homeless and others in appalling debt – now they’re striking against profiteering bosses to demand a living wage.

Behind the Post Office IT Scandal

The Post Office scandal was an enormous miscarriage of justice that ruined dozens of lives – and a stark warning about the consequences of involving the private sector in our vital public institutions.

The Tribunite who Tried to Kill Hitler

During the Second World War, Jewish socialist Hilda Monte was forced into exile by the Nazi government — but the connections she made in Britain helped her to become one of the resistance’s most formidable operatives.

Opening New Worlds for Workers

A century ago, trade unionists founded the Workers Travel Association, which organised cheap, luxurious holidays in the belief that discovery and adventure should be for the masses – not just the wealthy.

The Freedom Struggle

Veteran anti-Apartheid leader Ronnie Kasrils speaks to Tribune about the experiences that shaped him, from growing up as a Jew in the 1940s to the fight against South Africa’s white supremacist regime.

The Tory Attack on Worker Education

The Tory government’s decision to scrap the Union Learning Fund – which has helped millions of workers engage in lifelong learning – reveals a deep contempt for working people and their life aspirations.

Builders Crack

A recently rediscovered movie premiering this week tells the story of ‘Builders Crack,’ a radical workers’ magazine which helped organise building sites in the 1990s against gangster bosses.

When the Unemployed Fought Back

In the 1920s and ’30s, the National Unemployed Workers’ Movement mobilised thousands to resist the indignities of unemployment. As we enter another economic crisis, we should learn from their fight.