
3625 Articles by:

Ko Leik Pya

Ko Leik Pya works as a teacher and writer in the UK and Myanmar. He writes here under a pseudonym.

How Sci-Fi Shaped Socialism

From William Morris to Ursula K. Le Guin and Iain M. Banks, science fiction has provided an outlet for socialist thinkers – offering a break from a bleak political reality and allowing them to imagine a vastly different world.

Fighting ‘Manctopia’

An influx of speculative capital is gentrifying Manchester and making affordable housing a thing of the past – but grassroots activists are fighting to reclaim their city from the millionaires.

No, Thatcher Didn’t Save the Economy

The suffering caused by Margaret Thatcher’s policies is often justified with the argument that they saved Britain from ruin – but decades after she left office, it’s clear that she left the economy weaker and more unequal.

The Freedom Struggle

Veteran anti-Apartheid leader Ronnie Kasrils speaks to Tribune about the experiences that shaped him, from growing up as a Jew in the 1940s to the fight against South Africa’s white supremacist regime.

Capital’s B Team

As the Labour leadership drives members out of the party and damages ties to trade unions, they have turned to wealthy donors to fill the funding gap – but so far the rich seem quite happy with the Tories.

Remembering the Kindertransport

This week marked 82 years since the first Kindertransport children arrived in Britain. Today it is celebrated as an act of altruism – but the British government created a hostile environment for Jews then, just as it does for refugees today.

Berlin’s Palace of Nostalgia

Berlin’s reconstructed Humboldt Forum, built to resemble an old Prussian palace which was replaced by a modernist icon, is a monument to the nostalgia driving the revival of right-wing sentiment across Europe.

Here Come the Drums

Matt Brennan’s social history of the drumkit is a reminder of the work and technology in music-making, and a robust defence of the most frequently mocked of musicians.

Abolish England?

Movements for Northern Independence and London Home Rule might for now have limited appeal, but they share a common idea – ending today’s centralised and hyper-capitalist England. 

Behind Jamaican Deportations

Behind Britain’s deportations to Jamaica lies a long history of exploitation and subjugation, which has its roots in colonialism but which has continued long into the post-colonial era.

Runaway Public Sector Pay Is a Tory Myth

Public sector workers aren’t overpaid. In fact, successive Tory cutbacks mean that they earn less today than they did a decade ago – and the latest pay freeze will push many into hardship.