
17 Articles by:

Jeremy Corbyn

Jeremy Corbyn is the Labour member of parliament for Islington North.

Jeremy Corbyn: My Friend, Denis Goldberg

Denis Goldberg passed away in 2020 after a lifelong fight for social justice which saw him spend two decades in a South African prison. He reminded us of the horrors of apartheid – and the heroism of those who struggled against it, writes Jeremy Corbyn.

Democracy Is Under Attack

We need the Labour Party to stand up against government attacks on our rights to strike, protest and vote — but it can’t defend democracy if it doesn’t respect it within its own movement, writes Jeremy Corbyn.

Lula’s Victory Is a Testament to Solidarity

Lula’s historic victory, unthinkable just two years ago, couldn’t have happened without millions of people fighting for it. As Bolsonaro supporters refuse to accept the results, the mobilisation of those masses will be key to securing democracy.

Remembering Stan Newens

Stan Newens – veteran parliamentarian, campaigner for international justice and pillar of the Labour Left – passed away this week aged 91. Jeremy Corbyn remembers his lifelong struggle for socialism.

Jeremy Corbyn: My Friend, Denis Goldberg

Denis Goldberg passed away last month after a lifelong fight for social justice which saw him spend two decades in a South African prison. He reminded us of the horrors of apartheid – and the heroism of those who struggled against it, writes Jeremy Corbyn.

Corbyn’s Coronavirus Letter

Jeremy Corbyn has tonight written to Boris Johnson appealing for urgent measures to help workers struggling amidst the coronavirus pandemic including increased sick pay, rent and mortgage deferments, and reduced wait time for universal credit.