
3625 Articles by:

Ko Leik Pya

Ko Leik Pya works as a teacher and writer in the UK and Myanmar. He writes here under a pseudonym.

Remembering Rana Plaza

Eight years ago today Rana Plaza collapsed, killing more than 1,000 garment workers. The tragedy exposed the dire conditions in much of the world’s fashion industry – and the corporate elite which profit from them.

How Capitalism Created Doomscrolling

The combination of boredom and anxiety that produces ‘doomscrolling’ isn’t some generational quirk – it’s intimately linked to an economy where greater numbers of people work unfulfilling and precarious jobs.

I Love a Man in Uniform

The 1940s novels of Patrick Hamilton are marinaded in seediness and booze, but they also reveal the author’s radicalism – and contain one of the clearest and darkest portrayals of British fascism.

The Philosophy of the Gilets Jaunes

A new book on France’s ‘Gilets Jaunes’ movement explores its demands for radical change, explosive social impact – and legacy amidst an increasingly authoritarian French political landscape.

The Battle For Brick Lane

In the 20th century, Brick Lane’s migrant communities fought efforts by the far-right to drive them out. Now, amid plans for a shopping mall and rising rents, they face a different enemy: gentrification.

Evictions Are a Public Health Threat

New research from the US shows that, on top of being cruel, evictions increase Covid-19 transmission throughout the population – making it clear that extending eviction bans is a public health issue.

Fan Ownership Is the Future of Football

German football’s 50+1 model gives supporters a real say in their clubs and a better culture in the stands – if English fans want to be treated as more than consumers, it’s time to build a movement demanding the same.

The Evil Empire of Florentino Pérez

Real Madrid president Florentino Pérez wasn’t just a key player in the botched European Super League – he is also a voracious capitalist, profiteering from outsourcing and privatisation at the expense of the Spanish public.

Ending the Forever War

After 20 years and an estimated 200,000 deaths, American and British troops are due to withdraw from Afghanistan this year – but the destruction, surveillance and prejudice the war created will endure for a long time yet.

From Enoch Powell to Margaret Thatcher

Often seen as an outlier in British politics, Enoch Powell was in fact deeply influential in the development of the Conservative Party – and laid the intellectual foundations for the Thatcherite project which followed him.