
7 Articles by:

Conrad Landin

Conrad Landin is a writer based in Glasgow.

I Love a Man in Uniform

The 1940s novels of Patrick Hamilton are marinaded in seediness and booze, but they also reveal the author’s radicalism – and contain one of the clearest and darkest portrayals of British fascism.

Remembering Eric Gordon

Eric Gordon, who passed away this week aged 89, founded the Camden New Journal in the fire of 1970s industrial struggle – and in the decades that followed neither the paper nor its editor lost their radical edge.

‘Guilty Men’ at 80

Eighty years ago this month, Michael Foot, Frank Owen and Peter Howard published ‘Guilty Men’ – a blistering condemnation of ruling class appeasement of Nazi Germany which became a national sensation.

France’s Red Railways

A new book explores the role of Communists in building France’s militant railway unions – and gives insight into why, even today, they provide some of the sternest opposition to Macron’s labour reforms.