
26 Articles by:

Eoghan Gilmartin

Eoghan Gilmartin is a writer and translator who covers Spanish politics for Tribune and Jacobin.

Renewing Podemos

Podemos’ new head of organisation, Lilith Verstrynge, speaks to Tribune about the future after Pablo Iglesias, the challenges of government – and whether the party can still be a threat to the Spanish establishment.

So Long, Pablo Iglesias

Former Podemos leader Pablo Iglesias has retired from politics after last night’s election defeat – he was a pioneering figure on the European left, but couldn’t transcend the limits of Spain’s coalition government.

The Evil Empire of Florentino Pérez

Real Madrid president Florentino Pérez wasn’t just a key player in the botched European Super League – he is also a voracious capitalist, profiteering from outsourcing and privatisation at the expense of the Spanish public.

The 18th Brumaire of Donald Trump

This week we saw the natural culmination of Trumpism: a politics of pure conflict, which harnesses anger without a project of transformation, a revolt against a state of affairs which in reality it seeks to preserve.

Madrid’s Covid Class War

In Madrid, authorities have imposed a new lockdown on 850,000 people living in the city’s working-class neighbourhoods – the very places where key workers at the front lines of the virus are most likely to live.

Francoism on Trial

A human rights case brought against key Franco-era politician Rodolfo Martín Villa in Argentina has united Spanish and European elites – in opposition to justice for fascism’s historic crimes.

Towards a New Spanish Republic

As Spain’s former king flees the country after a string of corruption revelations, Podemos co-founder Juan Carlos Monedero makes the case for abolishing the country’s monarchy – and building a new republic.

Spain’s Left Turn

Podemos MP Txema Guijarro sits down with Tribune to discuss the challenges facing Spain’s new left-wing coalition government, its mission to fight for working people – and its commitment to deliver justice for the victims of the Franco dictatorship.