The Brutal Reality of Europe’s Border Regime
This year, more than 2,000 people have died trying to reach Spain’s Canary Islands from Africa – a reminder of the lethal reality of the European Union’s border regime.
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Tommy Greene is a freelance journalist and translator based in Madrid.
This year, more than 2,000 people have died trying to reach Spain’s Canary Islands from Africa – a reminder of the lethal reality of the European Union’s border regime.
Former Podemos leader Pablo Iglesias has retired from politics after last night’s election defeat – he was a pioneering figure on the European left, but couldn’t transcend the limits of Spain’s coalition government.
Today Spain elected its first left-wing coalition since the civil war in the 1930s. Already, it is under siege from the country’s elite – but if it succeeds, it can improve the lives of millions.
After months of refusal, Spain’s PSOE has finally agreed to a left-wing coalition with Unidas Podemos. Now the hard work of defining its programme begins.
By rejecting a left-wing coalition to placate business interests, Spain’s PSOE has badly miscalculated ahead of today’s election – and may hand the far-right a historic victory.
Spain’s left swept to victory in last week’s election. But the risk of a centrist government shows the need to do more than just mobilise progressives against the far right.
Tomorrow’s Spanish election pits an increasingly hardline right-wing against the country’s Left in a fight over the future. Unidos Podemos MP Alberto Garzón discusses the polarised political landscape.