
3625 Articles by:

Ko Leik Pya

Ko Leik Pya works as a teacher and writer in the UK and Myanmar. He writes here under a pseudonym.

Reading Dominic Cummings from the Left

Dominic Cummings’ recent interviews reveal an awareness that the political system is broken, but a narrow analysis as to why – because it is populated by the wrong people, not designed to serve the wrong interests.

Chasing Utopia

Between the wars, various groups experimented in building new societies. None lasted – but they were proof of the enduring desire for a future radically different from the past.

Labour’s Self-Flagellation Tour

The Labour leadership’s ‘listening tour’ will do little to rebuild relationships with postindustrial communities – but it will provide plenty of opportunities to repeat right-wing attacks on the party’s progressive base.

A People’s Architecture

Elain Harwood’s forthcoming book Mid-Century Britain focuses on a time when the architecture of the welfare state was decorative and cheery, rather than monumental and avant-garde.

The Life and Legacy of Michael Foot

Michael Foot was born on this day in 1913. A giant of Labour Party politics, the attempts to diminish his legacy after his death only reveal the extent to which his socialism threatened the British establishment.

45. Go Big: An Interview with Ed Miliband

This week, Grace speaks to former Labour leader and current Shadow Secretary for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Ed Miliband about fighting inequality and climate crisis, and his new book, Go Big: How to Fix Our World.

De-Gentrifying the City

Fighting gentrification is a crucial to any hope of reclaiming our cities from capital, but doing it effectively will require setting out a working-class vision for renewal to rival pro-business regeneration projects.

Now Is the Time to Tax the Super-Rich

Most people have suffered through the pandemic, but the world’s richest have seen their wealth rise by a combined $5 trillion. No one needs to hoard that kind of money – it’s time to tax it for a fairer world.