
3625 Articles by:

Ko Leik Pya

Ko Leik Pya works as a teacher and writer in the UK and Myanmar. He writes here under a pseudonym.

It’s Time to End Summer Hunger

This week marks the start of the summer holidays for kids across England and Wales. For too many, that means six weeks without enough food – a problem this government could solve, if it wanted to.

Remembering Dawn Foster

Socialist writer Dawn Foster passed away last week at the age of 34. She was a champion of the working class in a hostile media environment – and deeply committed to the fight for a better world.

Deliveroo’s Courier Cops

Deliveroo’s new partnership with Neighbourhood Watch offers riders training in how to spot crimes, to ‘keep communities safe’ – but the company’s treatment of its workers shows it couldn’t care less about community.

One Britain Tunnel Vision

The embarrassing ‘One Britain One Nation’ day for schools, with its notorious song, passed with hardly any participation – but its existence showed a growing revisionism in the concept of ‘British values’.

Britain’s New Enclosure

Less than 1% of the population own half of England’s land, and with every passing year public right of access is diminishing – enclosing swathes of green spaces to be enjoyed by the rich alone.