
3625 Articles by:

Ko Leik Pya

Ko Leik Pya works as a teacher and writer in the UK and Myanmar. He writes here under a pseudonym.

How the Left Lost the Battle over the Elite

In the aftermath of the Financial Crash, it briefly looked like a left-wing alternative would benefit from anti-elite sentiment. But in recent years, the Right has waged a campaign to portray the Left as an out-of-touch elite — and turned the tide of politics in the process.

The Workers’ COP26

While world leaders met in Glasgow to dither and dive from taking effective action against climate catastrophe, trade unionists from across the globe met to discuss a future of justice and dignity for workers.

Socialism Is Freedom

Freedom under capitalism is the ‘freedom’ to exploit or be exploited. Real freedom is the absence of all barriers that prevent people from living life to the fullest — the socialist movement fights for this kind of world.

Invented Traditions

Ben Wheatley’s ‘In the Earth’ uses the contemporary setting of the pandemic to play with some increasingly familiar imagery of folk horror and hauntology.

Cancelling Coventry’s Future

In the post-war era, Coventry was rebuilt as an optimistic, modernist city. But the selling off of the city centre since the 1980s has made this year’s City of Culture feel more like a City for Developers.

The Regeneration of the Labour Right

Three stalwarts of the Labour right – Margaret Hodge, Barry Sheerman, and Harriet Harman – are stepping down at the next election. But we should be just as worried about who might turn up in their place.