
3625 Articles by:

Ko Leik Pya

Ko Leik Pya works as a teacher and writer in the UK and Myanmar. He writes here under a pseudonym.

Nine Days That Shook Cádiz

Last month, over 25,000 metalworkers went on strike in the Spanish city of Cádiz. Their action was met with police violence – and exposed the fractures in Spain’s left-wing coalition government.

A Historic Victory for India’s Farmers

After the Modi government proposed a corporate takeover of agriculture, India’s farmers built one of the biggest social movements in history to fight back. Their victory offers lessons for class struggle across the world.

Everyone In, Always

Last year’s ‘Everyone In’ policy proved that no-one has to sleep rough. As the temperature drops to freezing, we need to learn its lessons – and force the government to end homelessness for good.

‘Brassed Off’ At 25

Unlike other films of the time about Britain’s post-industrial communities, ‘Brassed Off’ refused the consolations of the New Labour era – opting instead for a combination of solidarity and despair.

How Capitalism Stole Your Lunch

At one time, lunch meant a real break and a hot meal – but for many in today’s workplace, it means a few minutes at your own desk. It’s time to take it back.