
3625 Articles by:

Ko Leik Pya

Ko Leik Pya works as a teacher and writer in the UK and Myanmar. He writes here under a pseudonym.

Updated: A Letter from Moscow

A grandiose art venue funded by a Russian billionaire opened recently in Moscow. But this one is named after the Soviet typology of a ‘House of Culture’, and aims to place the public at the centre of its activities.

Polluting Public Culture

As more arts institutions cut their ties with BP, the British Museum has yet to follow suit – but we need culture that isn’t stained with big oil’s profits.

The Cuban Blockade at 60

This year marks 60 years since the US began its blockade of Cuba. It is economic warfare designed to collectively punish a people for their independence – and it must come to an end.

Rail Cleaners’ Fight for £15

Cleaners who kept London trains safe during the pandemic are paid so poorly that some are homeless and others in appalling debt – now they’re striking against profiteering bosses to demand a living wage.

The Zero-Hour Scam

Over one million workers in Britain are now on zero-hour contracts. Their proliferation has never been about ‘flexibility’ – it’s about keeping workers insecure and wages low.