
3625 Articles by:

Ko Leik Pya

Ko Leik Pya works as a teacher and writer in the UK and Myanmar. He writes here under a pseudonym.

The War on Ireland’s Neutrality

Since its independence, Ireland has maintained a decades-long tradition of neutrality – but now its commentariat has decided that the country needs to ‘grow up’ and learn to love NATO’s war machine.

Against the Edgelords

Today’s far-right has been shaped by an online landscape of edgy content. But the solution isn’t to lament the internet – it’s to find a way to build antifascism in its image.

Ruskin Revisited

Writer and philosopher John Ruskin is often written off as an establishment reformer, but he was also an acute critic of Victorian capitalism – which ran counter to his belief that ‘there is no wealth but life.’

Nuclear Disarmament Now

The invasion of Ukraine has raised the spectre of nuclear war for the first time in a generation – and shown why we need a mass campaign for nuclear disarmament.

The State’s Secret War on Dissent

Last month, a Welsh BLM group disbanded after an attempted police infiltration. It’s proof that police spying poses an existential threat to our social movements – especially since the state has just vastly expanded those powers.

Free Salah Hamouri

Palestinian lawyer Salah Hamouri was re-arrested this week after spending more than ten years as a political prisoner in Israel. In a piece written just before his incarceration, he describes why Palestinians refuse to leave their homeland.

Behind the Scunthorpe Scaffs Strike

Scaffolders at British Steel’s Scunthorpe site have spent years fighting for their pay to be brought in line with nationally agreed rates. Now, even after more than 100 days on strike, they’re determined to win.

Modi’s War on Muslim Women

Since the election of Narendra Modi’s Hindu supremacist government, Muslims in India have faced an escalating campaign of persecution – with women at the frontline of the violence.

Women Against War

Throughout its history, the feminist movement has struggled for a world without war. This International Women’s Day, it’s time to reclaim that radical heritage.

A Woman’s Place Is in Her Union

BFAWU’s first woman leader Sarah Woolley describes the crucial role of women in the trade union movement – and why unions need to move on from the days they were seen as the preserve of men.

The Meaning of Marcelo Bielsa

As a football manager, Marcelo Bielsa has been a tactical pioneer and passionate voice for fans – with a distinctive style shaped by South America’s radical religious and political traditions.