
3625 Articles by:

Ko Leik Pya

Ko Leik Pya works as a teacher and writer in the UK and Myanmar. He writes here under a pseudonym.

A Letter from Dimitrovgrad

The post-war New Town in Bulgaria has just celebrated its 75th birthday. Its combination of Stalinist aesthetics and post-socialist kitsch is all that the country’s elites find shameful, but there is still life in this ‘city of the future’.

In Search of a New North

Alex Niven speaks to Tribune about his new book The North Will Rise Again – an attempt to revive a future for the North from its modernist, radical traditions.

From the Pits to the Pigeon Lofts

Pigeon racing was once understood as a pastime of the elite, but in the twentieth century it established firm roots in Britain’s mining communities – and the bird became known as ‘the poor man’s racehorse’.

Football Belongs to the Fans

The looming Qatari takeover of Manchester United underlines how football clubs are now the playthings of oligarchs and repressive regimes. It’s time to reclaim the game and fight for fan ownership.

Trade Unions Can Beat the Far-Right

The failure of politicians to address the cost of living crisis has created the conditions for a resurgence of the far-right – and we need a strong trade union movement to defeat them.

Democracy Is Under Attack

We need the Labour Party to stand up against government attacks on our rights to strike, protest and vote — but it can’t defend democracy if it doesn’t respect it within its own movement, writes Jeremy Corbyn.

Keir Starmer’s Sticking Plaster Politics

Amid the worst squeeze on living standards in decades, Keir Starmer’s Labour has a historic opportunity to transform this country – but yesterday’s speech shows he’s more concerned with staying in the establishment’s good books.

Radical Domesticity

Despite the machismo that has beset the Left, solidarity and organising, from the Miners’ Strike to the Troubles, has often centred on the home.