
3625 Articles by:

Ko Leik Pya

Ko Leik Pya works as a teacher and writer in the UK and Myanmar. He writes here under a pseudonym.

Liverpool’s Bus Revolution

Since Thatcher’s deregulation, the gap in public transport has become one of the starkest markers of inequality between London and the North – that’s why Liverpool’s buses are coming back under public control.

Jamaica Against the Royals

William and Kate’s visit to Jamaica was designed to strengthen the monarchy’s links to the Caribbean – instead, Jamaicans are demanding apologies for colonial crimes and campaigning to make the country a republic.

The Spring Statement Was a Scam

Today, Rishi Sunak had a chance to tackle the cost of living crisis. Instead, he has left the average family around £1,000 worse off than last year – the biggest fall in living standards since records began.

Tax the Oil Giants

While energy bills skyrocket by £700 for the average household, oil giants are making billions of pounds in profits. The solution is clear: tax the corporate profiteers and cut bills for the rest of us.

73. The War on the Poor w/ Alfie Stirling

This week, Grace and Alfie Stirling, Chief Economist of the New Economics Foundation, look ahead to the Chancellor’s spring statement – which looks set to contain very few of the measures needed to tackle the cost of living crisis.