
3625 Articles by:

Ko Leik Pya

Ko Leik Pya works as a teacher and writer in the UK and Myanmar. He writes here under a pseudonym.

The Sound of Socialism

Welsh Labour’s plans for a National Music Service are a reminder that socialist policies aren’t just about cold, hard economics – they’re about allowing the creativity and personal joy so often stifled by the market to flourish.

Blacklisting Hasn’t Gone Away

Despite what bosses and politicians say, the blacklist is still a living reality for many trade unionists – and it can only be defeated by ending casual labour and building real collective power among workers.

Social Care on Screen

The world of care – from workers to organisers to those receiving it – was thrown into the spotlight by Covid. A new series of films reflects on their experiences, their challenges, and what care could be like.

80. The Roots of Britain’s 50-Year Drug War w/ Kojo Koram

This week, Grace talks to Kojo Koram, lecturer in law at Birkbeck and author of The War on Drugs and the Global Colour Line. They discuss Mayor of London Sadiq Khan’s plan to conduct a review on the legalisation of cannabis, the roots of criminalisation, the neoliberal roots of the war on drugs, and why decriminalisation will save lives.

Tearing Down the Palace

The demolition of the Elephant and Castle Shopping Centre destroyed some of the last egalitarian social spaces in central London, including the Palace Bingo Club. We have to understand it as a political act.

A Plan for a People’s London

Faced with Thatcher’s redevelopment of London’s Royal Docks in the 80s, socialists proposed an alternative with council houses, useful work and leisure space. Their ‘People’s Plan’ is a reminder that neoliberalism wasn’t London’s only future.

The NHS Burnout Epidemic

The exodus of burnt-out staff from the NHS isn’t an inevitable result of working in medicine – it’s the result of working in a service intentionally underfunded and under-resourced by a government hellbent on breaking it.

Leaving the Music Industry

Thirty years ago, the KLF staged a dramatic attack on the music business at the 1992 Brit Awards. How political was that gesture in retrospect, and could we see its like again?

The Nakba Never Ended

The killing of Shireen Abu Akleh, and the attacks on her funeral, expose the reality for Palestinians – that the Nakba which is commemorated this weekend never really ended.

The Coming Debt Crisis

By raising interest rates, the Bank of England has made it harder to repay the mountain of household debt built up during the cost of living crisis – leaving millions exposed to even more unsustainable bills, writes Grace Blakeley.

The Poor Are Not to Blame for Poverty

Tory MP Lee Anderson’s claim that food bank use stems from personal failings is a pathetic attempt justify an economic system leaving millions hungry – and proves just how out of touch our political class really is.

Posturing Is All Keir Starmer Has to Offer

The Labour leader’s Beergate gamble is a thin cover for the fact he has nothing to say on the cost of living crisis – and making personal integrity a central pillar of your politics is a risky strategy when you don’t have any.