
19 Articles by:

Jon Trickett

Jon Trickett is a Labour member of parliament for Hemsworth in West Yorkshire. He is chair of Tribune's advisory board.

Inequality Is Tory Party Policy

Rishi Sunak’s Budget is an attempt at masking modern Britain’s bleak reality – that while most people are getting stretched further and further, the rich are making money like never before.

How Labour Can Win Again

The Covid pandemic has proved the depth of the crisis working people currently face. Lukewarm equivocations aren’t enough – we need a proposal to change the world.

Remembering the Putney Debates

On this day in 1647, in the midst of civil war, the Putney Debates sought a new constitution for Britain – their arguments over the nature of freedom and democracy still resonate today.

What Went Wrong?

The Labour Together report evidences the long-term trends that were behind December’s defeat – but if the party is to recover it must take the task of re-engaging with working-class communities seriously.

Northern Discomfort

Today MPs Ian Lavery and Jon Trickett are launching their report ‘Northern Discomfort,’ which argues for a radical change in Labour’s approach to communities in the North of England.

Towards a Real Democracy

If Labour is to rebuild itself in the twenty-first century it has to commit to a fundamental transformation of Britain’s political institutions, argues Jon Trickett.

Defining the Possible

Labour’s transformative policies had huge popular appeal – but without a credible promise to change how politics works, too few people believed we could deliver them, argues Jon Trickett.

Labour’s Democratic Revolution

If Labour wins this week’s general election, it will lead a democratic revolution in British politics – clamping down on corporate lobbying and transferring real decision-making out of London.

The Crisis Last Time

The Labour government a decade ago stemmed the tide of financial disaster but failed to take the transformative steps needed to change the system. The next Labour government must be different.

Land for the Many

Half of the land in England is owned by just 1 percent of the people. Labour’s ‘Land for the Many’ report proposes breaking up that oligarchy.