
3625 Articles by:

Ko Leik Pya

Ko Leik Pya works as a teacher and writer in the UK and Myanmar. He writes here under a pseudonym.

95. Internet Enclosure w/ Ben Tarnoff

On this week’s podcast, Grace speaks to Ben Tarnoff, author of Internet for the People. They discuss the history of the web’s enclosure and privatisation – and how we could build a different model for the future.

Labour’s Late Start

This year’s conference has shown Labour at last willing to intervene in a failing private energy system, but still not ready to do what the scale of this crisis really demands: getting rid of that system altogether.

Building a People’s Economy in London

In the 1980s, a group of radical economists, planners, and activists in the GLC set out to transform London’s economy in the interest of its working class – with achievements and limitations we can learn from today.

Stop the Uberisation of Royal Mail

Today’s move by Royal Mail to rip up agreements with the CWU is the biggest attack on workers in a generation. If it isn’t fought, we could see the derecognition of a strong union and the fragmentation of our postal service.

The Treasury Needs a Reckoning

As a state bureaucracy, the Treasury is too controlling, conservative and elitist. Liz Truss’s attacks on it won’t make it work for ordinary people – but she’s right that change is needed, writes an anonymous civil servant.

How Labour Abandoned Apsana Begum

Apsana Begum returns to work today. Her treatment is a nauseating example of the Labour leadership’s willingness to abandon Muslim women and domestic abuse survivors if they don’t have the right political friends.

Endless Summer

In her award-winning novel ‘Summer Fun’, Jeanne Thornton writes of pop, politics, and the pleasures and pressures of transgender life.