
16 Articles by:

David Broder

David Broder is Europe editor of Jacobin magazine.

Thank You, Jean-Luc Mélenchon

Jean-Luc Mélenchon narrowly failed to make the run-off in France’s presidential election. But there are signs that the French left can come back stronger – and avoid the collapse of its British counterpart.

France’s Executed ‘Examples’

In the first months of World War I, hundreds of French soldiers were executed by their own side ‘to set an example.’ Only now, more than a century later, has France’s National Assembly voted for their rehabilitation.

Hammer and Salsiccia

Kept out of power during the Cold War, the Italian Communist Party popularised their cause by turning to culture – and organising mass working-class festivals.

Workers Against the Virus

In Italy, the government lockdown hasn’t included many large factories which were expected to keep working through the coronavirus outbreak. But workers refused to be cannon fodder – and many have gone on strike.

How Brexit Sunk Labour

Labour’s decision to embrace a second referendum was a fatal blow – convincing its heartland voters that the party had turned its back on them and denying it the chance to speak across the culture war divide.

Labour’s Big Night

Last night’s resounding debate victory for Jeremy Corbyn exposed both Jo Swinson and Boris Johnson as out of touch with the concerns of working people – and can become a springboard to win this election.

Portugal’s Carnation Revolution

On this day in 1974 a mutiny in the Portuguese army put an end to the country’s dictatorship. The revolution which followed brought down an empire and showed how working people could take control of society.