
3625 Articles by:

Ko Leik Pya

Ko Leik Pya works as a teacher and writer in the UK and Myanmar. He writes here under a pseudonym.

Rishi Sunak Versus Reality

It was obvious from the start that Covid-19 would have longlasting impacts on the British economy, but Rishi Sunak has insisted on treating it as a temporary blip – and now fantasises about pulling support altogether.

Green Capitalism Is Not Enough

Joe Biden’s inauguration has been heralded as a victory for environmentalists – but his presidency will prove definitively that there are no moderate solutions to the climate crisis. A Green New Deal is our only hope.

The US Left in the Biden Era

DSA’s Carlos Ramirez-Rosa speaks to Tribune about the future of the growing socialist movement in the United States after Donald Trump – and how the Left should approach the Biden administration.

Sensible Socialism: The Salford Model

Like its near-neighbour Preston, Salford’s left-leaning council has put socialist policies into practice at a local level – and been rewarded with public housing, well-paying jobs, insourcing and a greener city.

Fighting Spotify

As musicians struggle through the pandemic, attention has turned to the exploitative practices of Spotify – which often pays as little as $0.00318 per stream. Now, artists are unionising and demanding better.

Why Poverty Is So Expensive

Ten million adults and four million children live in poverty in Britain, one of the wealthiest countries in the world. Right-wingers argue that we can’t afford to tackle this scandal – but the truth is, we can’t afford not to.

Shifting the Blame

As Britain’s Covid death toll exceeds 100,000, the government has set out to blame the public – but from the very beginning its recklessness, ineptitude and cronyism have paved the way for this tragedy.

The Cosy Politics of the BBC Chair

The appointment of Tory donor and right-wing think-tanker Richard Sharp as BBC Chair strengthens the party’s grip on the broadcaster – and continues a long history of political concerns trumping the public interest.