
9 Articles by:

Matt Wrack

Matt Wrack is the General Secretary of the Fire Brigades Union.

Defy the Law, Defend the Right to Strike

The government’s anti-strike laws are a brazen attack on working people. Our movement has defied and defeated anti-union laws in the past – and it’s time to do it again, writes FBU general secretary Matt Wrack.

No Firefighters in Foodbanks

They were hospitalised fighting wildfires in summer. They drove ambulances and moved the bodies of the deceased during Covid. Now they’re being offered yet another real-terms pay cut. That’s why the FBU is balloting on strike action.

Firefighters Are Fighting Back

Amid spiralling inflation, firefighters and fire control staff received a measly pay offer of 2%. Their union is encouraging them to reject it – and is ready to fight back.

Firefighting Climate Change

Firefighters around the world are risking their lives on the frontline of the climate crisis – and their experience proves that only collective action can save us.