
3625 Articles by:

Ko Leik Pya

Ko Leik Pya works as a teacher and writer in the UK and Myanmar. He writes here under a pseudonym.

10 Reasons to Oppose the Anti-Strike Laws

The Tories’ latest attack on workers’ rights would see nurses and firefighters sacked, trade unions bankrupted and long-held democratic rights undermined. Here are 10 reasons why you should oppose the anti-strike laws.

Ready Planner One

A new video game version of the book Half-Earth Socialism allows players to test out a range of possible ecosocialist futures.

Writing Our Own Story

James Kelman’s rendering of working-class Scottish life and speech has been incredibly influential on generations of Scottish writers. The novelist’s new portrait of the writer as an old man sees him shift into ironic auto-fiction.

The Tories’ Latest War on Workers

The government’s proposed anti-union laws are a historic attack on the right to strike. The aims are simple: to weaken workers and keep wages low in a cost-of-living crisis. It’s time for a mass movement to fight back.

Railway Cleaners Are Striking for Justice

Railway cleaners were hailed as heroes during the pandemic for keeping trains safe. But their bosses still refuse to pay them a living wage – so they are taking part in their first ever national strike to demand their worth.

Warm Banks Shouldn’t Exist

The opening of hundreds of warm spaces across the country is proof of how desperate so many have become – and an indictment of a government willing to let people freeze in their own homes.