
3625 Articles by:

Ko Leik Pya

Ko Leik Pya works as a teacher and writer in the UK and Myanmar. He writes here under a pseudonym.

Justice for Thomas Sankara

This week, Blaise Compaoré was jailed for his role in the murder of Burkinabe revolutionary Thomas Sankara –but real justice can only be won by a movement that fights to bring Sankara’s socialist vision back to life.

The Rail Privatisation Scam

After taxpayers were scammed out of tens of millions of pounds, the train company responsible has just been rewarded with a lucrative new contract – definitive proof that the rail privatisation racket must end.

Why Orbán Won

Hungary’s united opposition abandoned class politics, resulting in a landslide victory for Viktor Orbán – a lesson that standing against the far right without an alternative is not enough.

Landlords Must Be Defeated

Landlords raised rents by the highest percentage ever in 2021. More than 1,200 people died while homeless in the same year. It’s time for tenants to organise – and take back housing from the profiteers.

Homes, Not Assets

For years, our political class has treated housing as a moneymaking vehicle at the expense of providing decent homes. New polling shows even homeowners think it’s time for that to change.

The Fakenham Work-In at 50

When a shoe factory in the small Norfolk town of Fakenham was slated for closure in 1972, its women workers barricaded themselves inside and began a work-in. 50 years later, their struggle should be remembered.

The Rent Is Too Damn High

Housing is driving the cost of living crisis, with private rents in England the highest ever recorded. That will only change through a struggle of renters against the rentiers.

Who Was Elizabeth Eden?

Elizabeth Eden, whose story was dramatised by 1975 film ‘Dog Day Afternoon,’ was a pioneering trans figure in popular culture – but her political impact runs far deeper than a botched bank robbery.

Britain’s Debt Tsunami

New polling shows that 3 million people expect cost of living increases to push them into debt, joining 8.5 million people already struggling to repay – to avoid another disaster, it’s time for a debt writedown.

How Sunak Lost His Sparkle

Rishi Sunak saw out the pandemic hailed by the media as a hero, but he was never a real friend to normal people – and his refusal to fight the cost of living crisis makes that fact unavoidable.