75. Foodbank Britain w/ Sumi Rabindrakumar

On this week’s podcast, Grace talks to Sumi Rabindrakumar of the Trussell Trust about the roots of the cost of living crisis, who’s being worst hit, and what could be done to tackle it.

A World to Win

‘That people are being pushed towards foodbanks is a symptom of the fact that systems aren’t working.’

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This week, Grace talks to Sumi Rabindrakumar of the Trussell Trust, a charity that is on the front lines of the cost of living crisis, providing emergency food support to those who need it, as well as campaigning to change government policy with a view to tackling poverty up and down the UK.

They discuss the roots of the current crisis, who is being most affected, and what could be done to tackle it.

You can support our work on the show by becoming a patron. Thanks to our producer Conor Gillies and to the Lipman-Miliband Trust for making this episode possible.

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