
3625 Articles by:

Ko Leik Pya

Ko Leik Pya works as a teacher and writer in the UK and Myanmar. He writes here under a pseudonym.

Britain Has Betrayed Afghan Refugees

Britain’s broken promise to resettle refugees from Afghanistan following last year’s withdrawal stands in contrast with the support provided to those fleeing war in Ukraine — and exposes the racism behind government policy.

Colombia’s Left on the Rise

Gustavo Petro is leading the polls for Colombia’s presidential run-off this month, defying the country’s vicious right-wing establishment. If he wins, it won’t just change Colombia – it will be a landmark for all of Latin America.

Indonesia’s Imperial Highway

Indonesia’s planned Trans-Papua highway will facilitate easier exploitation of West Papua’s resources by the occupying Indonesian regime – and more violence against the West Papuan people who resist it.

A Tale of Two Britains

With the pomp and ceremony of the Jubilee, the ruling class reminded us all that they love Britain – but have no problem with its children going hungry.

Privatising Your Ancestors

In recent years, swathes of Britain’s public records have been bought up by multinational companies – allowing them to charge for access and make a profit from your family history.

Doreen Massey’s Radical 1980s

A new collection of writings by geographer Doreen Massey features intense dispatches from the political battlegrounds of the 1980s, which remind us that even in eras of defeat, there are vital moments of hope.

A Pageant for the Ruling Class

A celebration of royalty is a celebration of unearned status, intergenerational wealth and undemocratic politics. It is, in other words, doffing the cap to the ruling class – and the society they preside over.

Public Pools for Everyone

After years of austerity, many of Britain’s swimming pools face closure due to spiralling energy costs – the alternative is a properly-funded system that treats them as a public good.

Remembering John Browne

John Browne, who died last month aged 71, spent his life fighting for workers on Preston Council, built solidarity movements with oppressed people from South Africa to Palestine, and never flinched from his commitment to a socialist society.

When the President Is a Crypto Bro

El Salvador became the first country in the world to adopt cryptocurrency as legal tender, pledging to build a ‘Bitcoin City’ on a volcano – but the recent crash has exposed the consequences of hitching a country’s economy to crypto delusions.