
3625 Articles by:

Ko Leik Pya

Ko Leik Pya works as a teacher and writer in the UK and Myanmar. He writes here under a pseudonym.

Public Transport Should Be Free

Spain is making short and medium train journeys free from September to the end of the year. To fight the cost of living and climate crises, we should do the same in Britain – but roll it out to all public transport, and make it permanent.

86. The War on Tenants w/ Vicky Spratt

This week, Grace speaks to Vicky Spratt, author of the book Tenants: The People on the Frontline of Britain’s Housing Emergency. They discuss the multiple problems that tenants in the UK face – and how they are fighting back.

Unlearning Lockdown’s Lessons

The Covid lockdowns drew new attention to the extent of the deprivation that scars Britain. But two years on, little has changed – and for millions of people, the cost of living crisis is making things even worse.

A Revolution of Things

In the 1990s, artist Vladimir Arkhipov started to collect home-made objects in homes, markets, and junk shops. Today, his archive is both a document of poverty and a vision of liberated labour.

What ‘Sherwood’ Missed

BBC drama ‘Sherwood’ was an opportunity to spotlight the sheer cruelty exhibited by the state in the spycops scandal – but it shied away from the most difficult parts of the truth and opted for romance instead.

The Case for Price Controls

When millions are going hungry and a few companies are raking in record profits, the ‘free market’ is obviously failing – and the case for price controls is clearer than ever.

The Media Made Boris Johnson

Despite their criticisms today, the British media backed Boris Johnson to the hilt when he was the alternative to Jeremy Corbyn’s socialist politics – and they would do it again in a second.

Good Riddance Boris Johnson

Boris Johnson has been a prime minister who exemplified Britain’s self-serving ruling class – but unless we organise for a real alternative, his replacement won’t be any better.

There Are No Good Tories

Today’s efforts to bring down Boris Johnson highlight divisions among the Tories, but one thing unifies them above it all: running the country in the interests of the super-rich.

The Tour de France Has Always Been Political

The Tour de France, which arrives home today, is held up as a symbol of national unity. In reality, it’s been a site of widespread protest since its inception – exposing the fragility of the consensus politics France’s ruling class is now desperate to hold together.

Destroying Bosnia’s Partisan Past

In the city of Mostar, the graves of 700 fallen resistance fighters have been destroyed in a fascist attack. It is the latest assault by far-right forces confident of burying the anti-fascist legacy of building a better world.