
3625 Articles by:

Ko Leik Pya

Ko Leik Pya works as a teacher and writer in the UK and Myanmar. He writes here under a pseudonym.

Posties Before Profit

Last month, postal workers offered to provide an emergency service to keep the country running during coronavirus. Rather than support them, Royal Mail refused to even listen to concerns over their safety.

Socialism Is Not Going Away

Despite today’s defeat for the Left in the leadership election, Corbyn’s policies remain overwhelmingly popular among Labour members – and are the only way out of the economic crisis we find ourselves in.

Elite Football’s Coronavirus Shame

In response to coronavirus, football’s billionaire owners are asking minimum wage staff to take pay cuts while corporate elites earn eye-watering sums. It’s a sign of the sickness in the soul of the game.

Manolis Glezos: Partisan

Manolis Glezos was just 19 when he sparked Greece’s anti-Nazi resistance by tearing down the swastika from the Acropolis. He passed away this week after almost a century of struggle on behalf of the oppressed.

Key Workers Need PPE

If key workers are expected to keep our economy going during the coronavirus crisis, the least they deserve is proper protection – now is the time for the government to act.

Four Ways Boris Johnson Can Save Lives Today

After a decade of underfunding and privatisation, the NHS is facing the coronavirus crisis with one arm tied behind its back – here’s four ways Boris Johnson could help frontline workers today that would save lives.