
4 Articles by:

Leo Panitch

Leo Panitch (1945-2020) was the editor of the Socialist Register and the author and co-author of many books including The Socialist Challenge Today (Merlin), The End of Parliamentary Socialism, and Working Class Politics in Crisis (Verso). He was a member of Tribune's advisory board.

How Capitalism Went Digital

Leo Panitch writes on the new volume of Socialist Register, which traces the developments that made digital technology integral to capitalism – and charts a path to an alternative, democratic future.

A Decade on the Left

Tribune speaks to Leo Panitch about the lessons learned from the last decade on the Left – from Occupy Wall Street to Syriza, Podemos, Corbyn and Bernie Sanders.

Miliband’s Masterpiece

Fifty years after it was published, The State in Capitalist Society remains indispensable for any socialist movement with ambitions of government.