
3625 Articles by:

Ko Leik Pya

Ko Leik Pya works as a teacher and writer in the UK and Myanmar. He writes here under a pseudonym.

So This Is the Aftermath

Trip-hop pioneer Tricky’s autobiography, ‘Hell is Round the Corner,’ is a powerful statement of working class creativity – and all the forces that are ranged against it.

The Social Delusion

A new Netflix movie, ‘The Social Dilemma,’ seeks to pin the world’s political problems on social media – but growing polarisation is a product of capitalism’s deep inequalities, not Facebook and Twitter.

What Should the Left Think About Tax?

Recent years have seen a growth in the idea that increasing taxes on the wealthy shouldn’t be a priority for the Left – but if we want the world’s resources put to better use, we need to rein in the rich.

The Disappearing Party

With the objective of a mass membership party now abandoned, Labour is returning to its recent past as a Westminster political machine – but members can still have influence, if they organise.

Labour Disconnected

This week’s Labour conference speech was the clearest indication yet of Keir Starmer’s intention to retreat from socialist principles – and the radical transformation that this country desperately needs.