
225 Articles by:

Grace Blakeley

Grace Blakeley is a staff writer at Tribune and the host of our weekly podcast A World to Win.

The Mutiny of the Mini-Capitalists

The Reddit-fuelled GameStop short squeeze isn’t a threat to capitalism, because the rich can’t be beaten at their own game – but it does show the power of collective action to expose corrupt systems.

Green Capitalism Is Not Enough

Joe Biden’s inauguration has been heralded as a victory for environmentalists – but his presidency will prove definitively that there are no moderate solutions to the climate crisis. A Green New Deal is our only hope.

How the Super-Rich Hide Their Wealth

A new study shows that the top 1% in Britain are £800 billion richer than previously believed. It’s not an accident – the super-rich regularly conceal their wealth, meaning inequality is much worse than we think.