19. Chaos at the Capitol: An Interview with Bhaskar Sunkara

In the latest episode of A World to Win, Grace speaks to Jacobin publisher Bhaskar Sunkara about the far-right mob which stormed the Capitol building this week – and what it all means for the future of the US Left.

A World to Win

“American politics is going off the rails – and the only thing that can get us back on track is some old-fashioned class politics.”

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This week, Grace Blakeley talks to Bhaskar Sunkara, founding editor of Jacobin and author of The Socialist Manifesto. They discuss the events which took place this week in the US, as far-right extremists stormed the Capitol in opposition to Joe Biden’s certification as president.

This followed the Democrats taking control of the Senate as Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff won their run-offs in Georgia on 6 January. The episode asks, how can the US left work to build a class coalition that can resist the mounting threat of right-wing violence?

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Thanks to our producer Conor Gillies and the Lipman-Miliband Trust for making this episode possible.

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