18. Crony Capitalism: An Interview with Ana Kasparian

Grace speaks to host of The Young Turks Ana Kasparian about the state of the US media, the importance of Left alternatives, and what to expect from a Biden presidency.

A World to Win

“Regardless of what Americans want based on polling, we’re going to keep running into a wall of corruption.”

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In this week’s episode, Grace Blakeley speaks to Ana Kasparian, the host and executive producer of online news show The Young Turks and now the host of Jacobin‘s Weekends series.

They discuss the media landscape of the US, the importance of alternative media for the socialist movement, the progress towards a stimulus package, and how progressives should relate to a Biden presidency.

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Thanks to our producer Conor Gillies and the Lipman-Miliband Trust for making this episode possible.

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