
3625 Articles by:

Ellie Whittaker

Ellie Woolstencroft is an activist with Labour for a Green New Deal.

The Last Neoliberal

Elected on a promise to modernise France, Emmanuel Macron has revealed what the political centre looks like in practice – a war on workers, authoritarian demagogy and a further emboldening of the far-right.

Towards a Feminist Trade Union Movement

Women now make up the majority of union members in Britain and increasingly lead labour struggles across the world – but their unions too rarely reflect them. It’s time for that to change.

Why Rosa Was a Revolutionary

Rosa Luxemburg, born 150 years ago today, fought to win the socialist movement to a complete break with capitalism – arguing that only revolutionary transformation could create a world for workers.

Clapping Won’t Pay the Bills

In 2019, there were 40,000 nursing vacancies in England alone. The only way to protect the future of the NHS is to treat its workers properly – and that means a pay rise that will actually improve their lives.

The Young Rosa Luxemburg

Rosa Luxemburg was born on this day in 1871. Her socialism was shaped by a deep internationalism – much of which she imbibed from her Jewish upbringing in what was then known as ‘Russian Poland.’