
3625 Articles by:

Ellie Whittaker

Ellie Woolstencroft is an activist with Labour for a Green New Deal.

Defund the Queen

The Royals’ finances, like their powers, are opaque, vague, and poorly understood, but they still receive immense state subsidies – it’s time to properly nationalise their lands.

How Labour Is Failing Liverpool

Allegations of corruption in the Caller Report are grim, but Labour’s failure to oppose the takeover of Liverpool by an equally corrupt Tory government threatens to plunge a left-wing heartland into years of right-wing policies.

The Eviction Crisis Is Already Here

While bailiff evictions remain formally paused, eviction hearings are going ahead – and with rising numbers of people unemployed, claiming Universal Credit, and slipping into arrears, thousands face losing their homes.

The Press as Organiser

Berlin mural ‘The Press as Organiser,’ hidden for 30 years, is about to be unveiled to the public after restoration – and its message about the role of the media for radical politics has lost none of its resonance.

Behind Britain’s Redundancy Crisis

Today’s unemployment numbers are the highest in five years, with almost 700,000 jobs lost during the pandemic and 1.7 million out of work. It is an avoidable crisis – and young workers are bearing the brunt.

Key Workers Got Us Through This Year

Today, the government is calling for a national day of reflection. But it is ministers who need to reflect – on the vital work done by workers to keep society going, and on the need for a proper public sector pay rise.

It Didn’t Have to Be This Way

One year ago today, Britain entered lockdown after days of prevarication and delay – it would set the stage for a government response which was catastrophically inadequate, and contributed to over 125,000 deaths.

Bristol’s Long History of Radicalism

Yesterday’s ‘Kill the Bill’ protest and last year’s tearing down of the Colston statue have made Bristol a symbol of resistance – but for almost two centuries, the city has been at the forefront of radical politics in Britain.