
3625 Articles by:

Ellie Whittaker

Ellie Woolstencroft is an activist with Labour for a Green New Deal.

The Hostile Environment’s Next Step

Priti Patel is considering plans to halve the minimum prison sentence required for deportation – the latest attack on migrants from a government determined to expand the hostile environment at every opportunity.

The Scouse Exception

As many of Labour’s post-industrial heartlands drifted rightward, Liverpool remained solidly red. The reason is clear: working-class community organising.

The Private Nursery Mess

The government has decided to keep nurseries open – despite scientific advice – to prevent many private outlets from closing. There is an alternative: publicly-funded childcare and early childhood education.

In Defence of the Prefab

The prefabricated homes built across Britain in the 1940s were more than just emergency housing – they were a rapid response to crises of overcrowding and poor accommodation that were remarkably similar to today.

Britain’s Skyrocketing Income Inequality

In the 1980s, CEOs in Britain earned 20 times average worker salaries. Today, it is 120 times. This explosion in income inequality is not an accident – it is the direct result of policies pushed by our political and economic elites.

The 18th Brumaire of Donald Trump

This week we saw the natural culmination of Trumpism: a politics of pure conflict, which harnesses anger without a project of transformation, a revolt against a state of affairs which in reality it seeks to preserve.

The Pandemic of Global Inequality

As rich countries stockpile Covid vaccine doses and protect the interests of Big Pharma while poor countries are forced to wait years for treatments, it’s never been clearer how global injustice threatens all of our health.

The Student Mental Health Crisis

More than 50% of students are struggling with mental health problems since Covid, according to an NUS survey – but the failures that led to this point go beyond the pandemic to the corporate nature of our universities.

Stop the British Gas Fire

Today, GMB members at British Gas begin five days of action in response to their employer’s threat to ‘fire and rehire’ thousands of workers on worse pay and conditions. It’s the biggest gas strike since the 1970s.

No Country for Young People

New research shows that two in three youth centres are on the verge of closure. With youth unemployment also skyrocketing, Britain’s government is failing young people – and the consequences are likely to be severe.