
93. Grassroots Organising 101 w/ Sasha Josette and Olly Armstrong

This week, Grace talks to Natasha Josette and Olly Armstrong about their community organising project, Breathe. They discuss challenges and opportunities associated with community organising, how it can be linked up with other elements of political strategy like the labour movement and electoral politics, and how you can begin this sort of grassroots work in your own area.

Housing’s Double Crisis

Renting was a nightmare before the cost of living disaster. Now bidding wars and massive rent hikes are worsening a housing system already in crisis – and many simply can't afford the hit.

Ghost in the Machine

Chris Blackwell’s memoir of his life between Jamaica and Britain is attuned to the uses of a posh accent in the post-colonial music industry.

Big Oil’s Disinformation War

Big Oil has waged a decades-long disinformation war to prevent the transition to renewable energy, resulting in obscene profits for fossil fuel companies, soaring bills for consumers and a climate crisis that threatens the planet.

Only Disconnect

Darren McGarvey's second book uses the author's authenticity to drive home the disconnection between classes in Britain; but in doing so, it reflects a cosy national consensus in Scotland.