
3625 Articles by:

Raven Hart

Raven Hart is co-founder of the Bristol Cooperative Alliance, an organisation that aims to promote a decentralised economy that empowers local communities and facilitates democratic self-determination.

Rent Controls Are Not a Fantasy

With 445,000 tenants in arrears, it’s clear the landlord class is out of control. But rent controls can rein in their exploitation – and the movement backing the measure is growing.

Keir Starmer’s Patsy Pipeline

Keir Starmer’s Future Candidates Programme promises to bring ‘normal’ people into politics – but in reality, it is designed to produce handpicked MPs with no sense of connection to the party membership.

Airbrushing History

The plan to ban legacy prosecutions arising from the Troubles in Northern Ireland isn’t an anomaly – it’s part of a broader effort to erase Britain’s crimes from the historical record.

Remembering Hiroshima

On this day in 1945, the US dropped a nuclear bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima. The common narrative says it was necessary – but history shows that isn’t true.