
3625 Articles by:

Raven Hart

Raven Hart is co-founder of the Bristol Cooperative Alliance, an organisation that aims to promote a decentralised economy that empowers local communities and facilitates democratic self-determination.

Pensioner Poverty Is a Political Choice

As the cost of living crisis bites, millions of elderly people in Britain are fighting to get by on the lowest state pension in the industrialised world. It’s a situation the Chancellor could change this week, if he wanted to.

Auden’s Radical Humanism

In the decades of fascism and war, W. H. Auden’s poetry attacked a depraved elite who brought the world to the brink of catastrophe. Today, his words and warnings have lost none of their original power.

The Tory War on Public Transport

Record fuel prices have left millions struggling to pay for travel. Public transport can be the alternative – but only if years of Tory privatisation and underfunding are reversed.

Fracking Is Not the Future

The fracking lobby is using Russia’s invasion of Ukraine to push its agenda once again, but there’s no future in fossil fuels – the only way out of the crisis is investment in renewal energy.

Stop the P&O Jobs Massacre

Yesterday, P&O fired 800 workers without notice over Zoom to replace them with agency staff – it is one of the most disgraceful acts in modern British industrial history.

Mourning Marx

Karl Marx died on this day in 1883. At his graveside, his lifelong friend and comrade Friedrich Engels predicted that Marx’s work would endure through the ages.