
3625 Articles by:

Ko Leik Pya

Ko Leik Pya works as a teacher and writer in the UK and Myanmar. He writes here under a pseudonym.

Behind the Sky Pool

Images of Nine Elms’ sky pool provoked controversy last week, but behind the glass lies a story of Britain’s political elite conspiring with super-rich developers – and the communities that suffer as a result.

Capital’s Latest Trick

Workers are facing an attack on pay and conditions, backed by the threat of the sack. Trade union action is our best hope to bring the assault to an end.

Northumbrian Psycho

Eliza Clark’s shlock horror novel Boy Parts is an unreliably-narrated account of violence and ambition, which doubles as a portrait of national dysfunction.

The Free Press Fantasy

We often hear that the media’s job is to hold power to account — but in reality, its function is to project the views of the powerful across society.

Some Very British Violence

The scenes at Clapham Common earlier this year prompted shocked realisations about police brutality — but state violence is a defining feature of our isolated, individualised world.

Failing the Miners Again

Channel 5’s new documentary about the 1984 Miners’ Strike paints Thatcher as a hero and covers up her government’s real intentions – it is just the latest establishment attack on the miners who fought back.

Poverty Is a Policy Choice

14.5 million people in Britain live in poverty, exposing the vast holes in our social safety net – this isn’t an accident, it’s the result of a welfare system which denies people the means to live a dignified life.

On Benefits and Big TVs

From tabloid columnists to Job Centre snoopers, Britain’s obsession with the less well-off owning flat-screen TVs has become a symbol of how inequality is blamed on those at the bottom, rather than at the top.

The Refugee Union Behind Barbed Wire

After being placed in the Penally barracks, refugees organised a union to fight inhumane conditions – their campaign forced the government to commit to closing the camp and inspired others to take up the struggle.

Bill Gates’ Monopoly Medicine

The Gates Foundation claims to have fought for access to medicine during the pandemic, but its defence of intellectual property rights has had the opposite impact – and exposed the limits of philanthrocapitalism.

Child Hunger Is a Political Choice

There is enough wealth in Britain to feed every child, yet 14% of families with children experience food insecurity – that is a political choice, not an inevitability, and it’s time those in power were held to account.