
3625 Articles by:

Ko Leik Pya

Ko Leik Pya works as a teacher and writer in the UK and Myanmar. He writes here under a pseudonym.

It’s Time to Abolish Insecure Work

The present legal system lets bosses shirk responsibilities to staff by downgrading their status. A new bill fights that injustice by creating a single ‘worker’ category – with proper rights for all.

The Rich Should Pay For Social Care

The government’s National Insurance increase will hit workers and the poor the hardest, while letting billionaires, landlords, and corporations off the hook. The alternative is simple: tax wealth instead.

How Amazon Is Remaking Our World

A new book explores the ways that corporate giant Amazon is remaking our cities and towns – from overcrowded homes for low-income workers to the gentrification that accompanies its vast developments.

Remembering Mikis Theodorakis

Legendary Greek composer Mikis Theodorakis died last week aged 96. He spent a lifetime struggling against fascism and dictatorship – and for a socialist future that would give full expression to human creativity.

Late to the Party

In his new book, Ed Miliband’s speechwriter calls for a new politics of equality and community. Where has he been for the past five years?

Stop Listening to Tony Blair

Tony Blair has been proven wrong in his predictions about not only Afghanistan but the entire War on Terror – instead of giving him more airtime, it’s time to listen to those who called this disaster correctly from the start.

A Century of Raymond Williams

Welsh socialist writer Raymond Williams was born 100 years ago today. His work expressed a radical democratic vision of society – and maintained that rigorous critique was a tool of liberation.

Abolish Golf

According to new research, the golf courses of London occupy enough space to house hundreds of thousands of people. It’s time that land was put to better use.

Behind the Nabisco Strike

Workers at US food company Nabisco are on strike in four states over impossible schedules, two-tier healthcare and attacks on pay – their aim is clear: to make the corporate giant “treat us like human beings.”